Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bras and Broomsticks

“Bras and Broomsticks”

            Authors note: This book was quite entertaining for me. The book was funny, interesting and had some parts that freaked me out.

            I have to admit the name “Bras & Broomsticks” was a very clever name. It gives the reader a sign that it is going to be a funny book. Also it sucks the reader in for finding out why it has the funny name. Another thing is that each chapter has a broomstick which is also very clever. This story has a lot of oomph to it. 

            For one thing this story really pulled me in at some parts, like when Raf asked Rachel to Spring fling, I screamed with joy like I got asked out. I felt like I was in the story with Rachel and Miri. One time I saw the guy I liked and wanted to do a love spell on him. To me this book came to life in my head, and that rarely ever happens with the books I read.

            The Author “Sarah Mlynowski” is a awesome author. Sarah also has another book called “Frogs and French Kisses”. I can’t wait to read it. Sarah Mlynowski has other books that I haven’t read any of them yet but if you read “Fireworks, “Frogs and French Kisses”, or Gimme a Call”, you would know what I mean by how good of an author she is. I haven’t even read any of the other books she made but I can tell you after this one I will.            

            There’s not one thing that I didn’t like about this book. There were no spelling errors that I noticed like you would see in most books. I don’t know much about Sarah Mlynowski but she must be famous or at least known for her awesome books. Each character has their own personality. Rachel is the main character and she has a huge story behind her. Miri has magical powers and she picks her fingers and it’s like Rachel would be a better witch than Miri. Their dad married a girl named Jennifer that Miri and Rachel don’t like at all. Their mom is trying to find a new boyfriend to take her mind off of her ex husband.

This story has it’s twists and it’s sad yet funny parts that most people would enjoy I would think. For those of who like funny stories with  emotional parts and books that pull you in. This is the story I would recommend you reading along with “Frogs and French Kisses”.

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