Authors note: This Book is just the most spine-tingling book that I have ever read. No joke about it.
This book is just hilarious I love the author Sarah Mlynowski. I think she is a book genius. Well I guess by now you want to know how the story goes.
The story has its every day ups and downs, no literally, in the beginning of the book and at some other parts Rachel and her sister Miri fly on a magic broom. Rachel’s sister is a witch so things go very bad in most parts. Rachel is so very in love with this guy Raf so she makes Miri do a love spell on Raf but instead it got castes on his brother Will. So he asked her out to eat pizza. Rachel agreed to it and they became boyfriend and girlfriend. At the end she dumps him because she knows he doesn’t really like her. Also Rachel finally gets her witch powers and at the perfect time.
Sarah Mlynowski is a genius with her books. If you like funny books reader will enjoy the series of Bras and Broomsticks. With this bewitchingly funny series, you will love these books. Mainly because her books really pull you in with the realistic life styles from, crushes to stepmoms. There is one page that made me laugh my head off. It is where Rachel’s dad and stepmom want to have a baby so. Then little Prissy asked where babies come from and their dad almost told her but then Jennifer, the stepmom, stopped him and said that it came out of love. Right there I felt very embarrassed and not many books do that.
Rachel is my ultimate favorite character. Sure she is the main character but instead, I’m pulled by how good of a sister she is and how she is more mature than her mother. Rachel is the perfect role model for little sister Miri. Although in a way Miri is a good role model for Rachel also since Miri did become a witch a while before Rachel did.